Family Constellations Therapy

Family Constellations Therapy

Family Constellation is a powerful method to help us recognise and heal unhealthy entanglements within our family system that sometimes operate for several generations. Resolution-oriented interventions bring understanding, clarity and healing to our relationships, including parents and original family members, partners and children. Family Constellations therapy helps us to understand how much of our behaviour, feelings, beliefs and sometimes physical health problems are as a result of belonging to the system of our family. In every systemic group, there are certain unspoken and mostly unconscious laws that guide the behaviour of everyone who belongs to that group. Problems arises if one or more members of the system unconsciously violate these laws.

The therapist’s interventions support healing movements within the family or social system. This can involve bringing in missing or excluded members, allow healing of something that has not had a chance to heal in the family, and restore the healthy loving flow of energy to current and future family members. This is not only healing for us, but can also positively impact family members who are not present.