Separation & Divorce Counselling

Separation & Divorce Counselling

When a long term relationship ends, it can be emotionally traumatic for each partner. Going through a separation may mean facing feelings of guilt, fear, anxiety, depression and grief as well as learning life lessons that can be brought into future relationships. The end of a long term relationship can be one of the most stressful events in our life. Even for the partner who chooses to leave, separation or divorce can bring up a range of painful and difficult emotions. If children are involved, the stress level is likely to be even higher.

Adjusting After a Divorce

Divorce and Separation healing is a process. Adjusting to the life changes that occur can take time and regardless of who initiated the break-up. Worries about financial solvency, employment, or housing may be causing stress. Other consequences can include losing friends or family members as well as loss of the future that was hoped for together. There may be guilt feelings if there are children involved and this can cause further emotional distress.

All of these problems can be worked through during the therapy process. Our trained therapists can provide the emotional support and guidance and teach you the necessary coping techniques to begin the next stage of life with a healthy perspective.